Smart City Thiruvananthapuram Limited (SCTL)
Request for Proposal (RFP)
For the
Selection of Service Provider for the Implementation of Digitalization of
data base for property tax
Smart City Thiruvananthapuram Limited (SCTL) invites online bids from eligible bidders for “Selection of a Service Provider for the Digitalization of data base for property tax” under the Smart Cities Mission Program of Government of India as per details given below:
1. Name of Work: Selection of a Service Provider for the Digitalization of data base for property tax.
2. Location of Work: Thiruvananthapuram Municipal Corporation.
3. Brief description of work: Selection of service provider for Digitization of Hard Copy Documents in Thiruvananthapuram Corporation.
4. Duration of Completion of Work: 8 months from signing the contract. 5 years warranty and O & M.
5. Bid Validity period: 120 days from the due date for submission of tenders (or such extended date).
6. Bid submission Fee: Rs. 6505/-
. Digitization work at Gwalior MP
. Online Reporting of C.T. Scans (MP Tender)
9. Mode of selection of Contractor: E-tender
13. Pre-Bid Meeting 11/07/2023: 15:00 Hrs IST
Kerala e tender / E-Bidding Submission Guidelines
1. Bid documents including the Bill of Quantities (BoQ) can be downloaded free of cost from the Website: and
All bid documents are to be submitted in online mode and in the designated folders at the designated website in the NIT. Tender/ bids shall be accepted only through online mode on the designated website address in the NIT.
2. Late Bids will not be accepted; submission due time will be as per NIT. A bid submission fee shall be remitted through online mode during the time of bid submission.
3. Price Bid shall be submitted through online mode only.
4. Details regarding remittance of Bid Submission Fee and Bid Security, Bid preparation and submission are mentioned in the bid document. In case of exemptions the supporting documents shall be uploaded along with the bid documents.
5. The bids shall be opened at the office of the SCTL in the presence of the authorized representatives of the Bidders, who wish to attend at the above address. If the tender opening date happens to be on a holiday or non-working day due to any other valid reason, the tender opening process will be done on
the next working day at the same time and place.
6. Tenders/ bids received without the details mentioned in Instructions to the Bidders will not be considered and shall be summarily rejected.
7. More details can be had from the office of the ‘Smart City Thiruvananthapuram Limited’ during working hours 10 am to 5 pm IST till pre-bid query date.
Queries can be sent to Any queries received after pre bid meeting shall not be entertained.
8. The SCTL shall not be responsible for any failure, malfunction or breakdown of the electronic system while downloading or uploading the documents by the Bidder.
9. Tenders not accompanied by requisite details will be rejected. All subsequent Government orders (Government of Kerala and Govt. of India) related to tenders and any revision in the rates of taxes would also be applicable to this tender.
10. The Smart City Thiruvananthapuram Limited reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason thereof.
NOTE: You can contact us if you need any professional assistance to understand and fill up tenders. Are you looking for any specific kind of projects? Just fill up the contact form and submit....